Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kids Helping Kids

I am a very fortunate person. Despite a few bumps, I am very thankful for how I've lived, who I've been surrounded by, and the way that I was raised. One thing that I want to focus on though is how thankful I am to grow up in the world of volunteerism. My mom has this crazy, amazing streak in her that screams "MUST HELP OTHERS" and I'd like to think she passed it down to me (though she is still more adamant about this than almost everyone that I know.. I think you're pretty much tied with Kristyn, mom). Because of her I spent a lot of time as a child volunteering. HabiJax, Men Against Violence Against Women, bringing supplies to the Sulzbacher Center, every single Mitzvah Day, a kajillion service projects through Girl Scouts and A LOT more. She made sure that I was well rounded in the realm of volunteering. I seriously cant express my gratitude to her for that. As she calls it, she passed her mushy heart down to me and I wouldn't want it any other way.

When I was at the elementary schools last week encouraging them to make cards and pictures for CMN patients, I was so surprised in a few different ways. Way #1: There were kids in these classes that say they've never volunteered before. It made me realize how glad I am that I was raising in a giving atmosphere. It also made me excited to jump start them into the world of service. Way #2: CREATIVITY! Holy moly these kids radiated with some out of the box thinking and it was incredibly impressive. I had kids that wrote very inspiring messages, made their cards 3D, did crazy drawings, made two cards in one, made booklets of comments, tips on how to get better, the list doesn't end! It was very inspiring and my first time working with kids in this kind of setting. I hope that after doing one good deed, they're inspired to do more. Because they definitely inspired me to do more! :)

1 comment:

  1. I want to say something pithy and beautiful, but I can't type through the tears. I am very, very proud of you beyond words. Thank you.
