Monday, July 6, 2009

little red wagons.

its funny how one thing that happens to you can completely change the way your brain operates.i know that is vague but true. im sure there is a more scientific way to put it. 
this weekend i brought kristen back to jacksonville with me. it was the first time i enjoyed jacksonville for being jacksonville in a while. i was actually proud of that damned place. i enjoyed being there. when im there i love seeing my family, but i enjoyed the city itself. being there with someone who'd never been made me appreciate all the different parts of the place i spent 18+ years of my life. 
im finally in a bouncing back mode. its so wonderful! i love dwelling on things sometimes, but im so glad im past that point. i feel great.. besides my upcoming astronomy doom that is. i love learning about it but it takes a while to sink in.. and i dont like tests. 
i dont think i would survive without john mayer. his music has become a daily part of my life. 


1 comment:

  1. i'm glad i helped you appreciate your hometown. i loved being there and had a blast :) i can't wait until it's your turn to see "famous" coral springs haha
